Saturday, June 27, 2015

Oregon to Idaho

Thursday, June 25

So it turns out that the plan to as far north as Glacier National Park was a little aggressive. We had an Aiston family pow-wow over the campfire at Crater Lake and decided not to push aisventure too hard and to shave off Washington and Montona, turning east toward Idaho from there. It was a bummer of a call to make but we all think it's the right one.  Soooo.... YELLOWSTONE!
A drive around the north side of Crater Lake was in order before we put tires to asphalt. Seriously, THAT LAKE! It's simply breathtaking. We were able to see the morning boat tour and it's never ending wake as we headed toward the 138.
And we drove.
And drove.
And then we fell in love with Bend, OR; a town that has officially been added to our list of places in which we'd happily be willing to live one day. 
As we pulled out of town Kiernan noted that we should definitely get gas in the next town we hit so we started to keep an eye out for a filling station... which didn't seem to be coming up... at all. Finally we came to a little dive of a stop that had two antiquated gas pumps out front; one of which had a wagon ironically hooked up to itself. The attendant told us that the next station wasn't for 60 miles in either direction, which would put us at about 315 miles in that tank - we'd never gone more than 300 before. At least we had no water in the car. For the next 68 miles (LYING LIAR STORE LADY!) we drove, drafting a semi we came upon, running ZERO air conditioning in the 96 degree heat of the day. And we made it (barely)!!! 
We decided to spend the night at a Best Western in Jerome, Idaho; a hotel that boasted an indoor pool. The girls swam and swam for over an hour - which means we didn't get them into bed until almost 11:00 but since the sun didn't actually set until 9:45 it didn't feel like terrible parenting.
Yellowstone is a quick 3 hour jaunt from Jerome... can't wait!!

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